Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Burimyu OST in Rar and complete Album UPDATE

yo! long time no hear anything from here? yeah- definitely not. and its all because of the business that happen lately and since im continue to aging, also the reason why me barely posting here~ to telling you about new stuff RMBBleach? yeah- i got plenty and still not upload here yet. wait ne~

i just re-repair the link to my OST Burimyu. last time, i gave my username and password even that action totally dangerous, i still did. blame me if anything happen to my acc. XD but, i kinda put my believe to all Bleach fans~ and now, you need no worry anymore about download 1 by 1. it did takes a time- dont ask, i just combined aevery single album as 1, so, feel free to download~ ENJOY!!

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