Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bankai backstage Code 001 Tatsumiki Message

remember this video? here TatsuMiki Bankai Show Backstage COde 001 Message for Burichi Musical Fans.
Actually, the video didn't have any subbed but, thanks to This person~she/he try harder to translate it.

Legend >>
I : Isaka Tatsuya
M : Sato Miki

I : Oh, Tired
M : Is it right.
I : Good work!
M :Good work, Ichigo!

I : "p/s" I did not understand what he said here...kkk, but it was something about that day.

M : I made it to the end. because everyday I ate good stuff!
I : it was fun, huh! the audience sang and dance with us. We were together at the right height!
M : and now, we have 2 new songs!
I : it was very cool, right? it was such a satisfying feeling right.. lots of fun! And let us endeavor so far! (for he was the last day :)
I n M :Personal! wait for us!!

Both of them really cute! wonder what will happen if they're into relationship?! ah!! so kawai! this person said sorry because she/he cant catch up all the dialogue when Isaka talk too fast. hope u enjoy it!

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