Wednesday, September 21, 2011


YO! Sorry~ we're not update for a long time~ it just..blame me..i dont have computer for now. so be it.

oh! before forgot. New Link update. all link are officially/personal and original. so dont worry. we're found the source from pierrot-blog n ect. but, not all cast we're got, a few and still in searching~ hope we could ound it!! especially miki san~ we're love the old cast very much!!! Enjoy it!

RANDOM pic UplOad!

Random photos from again had finish upload. now from tat-chan and eiji san~ even not too much..but still we're got it ~

about the Code002 Photoshoot...we're still couldn't found it. almost every single photoshoot in video. so, it takes time to find it. as u know, we didn't buy the dvd.

And The Rain Left Of

And The Rain Left Of

I willingly closed down one of my favs blog. Ichiruki Animanga Blog

Unfortunately, I had to close down one of my blog when it used to be one of my favourite blog. Bleach animanga Blogspot. As you guys know o...